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Magnetic Film Finger (Large)
Film Fingers reinforce the top or bottom edges of the film for greater strength. The magnetic design allows the film finger to be placed on any steel surface on any stretch wrapper in the field.
Your Price: $139.00

Detailed Description

Film Fingers reinforce the top or bottom edges of the film for greater strength. By simply running along the roller of the Film Finger, the film’s edge is folded and rolled, creating a durable band that protects the web from breaks and adds extra security to the load. Film Fingers are available with a heavy duty magnetic base that you can mount on any stretch wrapper in the field with steel construction. The removable design means you can position the Film Finger at the top or bottom of the web, and as far into the web as needed to overcome any film breaks or film roll damage. Multiple Film Fingers can also be used to reinforce the top and bottom of the film web, or to attach to the bottom of the system to provide bottom roping.

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